How to Access Air Asia Indonesia Reports Center  Online : HappyMod
How to Access Air Asia Indonesia Reports Center  Online : HappyMod

How to Access Air Asia Indonesia Reports Center  Online : HappyMod

How to Access Air Asia Indonesia Reports Center  Online

Since 2019, this airline has begun to change the Air Asia Indonesia system  , which  was previously manual and needed staff in its services in an all-online and centralized system.

Initially, the call center system provided by the airline was only via phone manually to be operated by staff. Perhaps, on the one hand, this will further clarify the solution acustomer expects regarding the different obstacles it faces. Unfortunately, there are time constraints and resource constraints.

The Air Asia Donatesia Call Center  , which still uses the manual system, can only be accessed through one door that opens every day, but only within 06.00 to 22.00.

Air Asia services  are currently transferred to the AVA live chat online system that can be accessed anywhere and whenever you want   .

There are also several types of live chat provided by Air Asia  , including a live chat that can be accessed via social media Twitter, via Facebook, via the mobile app or through the Whatsapp messaging app.

Contact airlines via Facebook Messenger

One of the social media posts that is quite and still popular even among the young peopleon this is Facebook.   This app is one of social media that can provide a lot of information.

In improving convenience services for its customers, Air Asia Airlines  uses this social media to receive suggestions and criticism from its customers online.  

You can go to the airline’s official page and then click on the messenger department and easily contact Air Asia  .

Even so, you can still ask questions related to various problems and obstacles experienced through this Facebook Messenger while your questions  are still general and not too detailed.

Easier service via AVA live Chat Air Asia

Air Asia  Indonesia’s call centre  is not only transmitted on social media, but also through the airline’s official website. The airline also provides a chat system on the official website to provide live chat services with customers. Customers can now easily contact the airline through this system.

The difference between the AVA chatbot service and Facebook Messenger is quite significant. The live chat system on the official website is created by Air Asia’s IT team  specifically, so although it is a chatbot, this live chat can answer and answer various more complex questions.

For this     reason, Air Asia customers  are advised to use AVA live chat more for different questions that are quite detailed answers.

Using it is very easy. After that, find the live chat icon in the lower left corner of the page.    You can also download the official mobile app.

Air Asia Indonesia calls center transition via Twitter profile

In addition to using the AVA live chat service that can be accessed on the official website, as well as Facebook Messenger,  you can contact the airline via the official Air Asia Twitter account. Twitter is a social media that is quite widely used by users from all walks of life.

To communicate via Twitter, it is not in the form of a live chat like on Facebook Messenger or on the official website, as Twitter does not have the conversation feature. However, you do not need to be confused about communication through these social media. The work you need to do is pretty easy.

@AVA_airasia In   addition, you can also mention the account in the posts you tweet to get answers.

This means that your questions can be answered as much and in detail as possible  .   You can get answers directly or redirected through  the  Air Asia Donatesia call center  in the form of ava chatbot until the problem they are looking for is too severe.

Make it easier to talk directly through the Whatsapp app

One of the amenities, you can now contact Air Asia only through the Whatsapp short message app.

As a short messaging app that is very popular and is used almost worldwide, of course, the existence of a direct chat service via Whatsapp is plus a point for Air Asia itself.

Unfortunately, in order to be able to contact the support team directly, it will take a long time. But in using live chat on whatsapp, the method is very easy, and even the easiest compared to other methods. You just need to access the app either via a computer or mobile phone, and then open the conversation.

After that, click on a new contact and enter  the number of  the  Air Asia Donesia phone center  on whatsapp with the number +601135165078 and enter anything to start in your chat room.

Through this Whatsapp app, you will be easier and more flexible in asking various questions related to flights and airlines. Typically, air Asian chatbots will provide common options for a question as keywords to ask.   You just have to answer with a number that matched their list.

Now, along with the development of technology, it is really very easy and deepens customers. Air Asia Is no longer an  exception  , which is also being upgraded in terms of communications services. Although the Air Asia Donatesia call center  is  no longer implemented, you can still communicate more flexibly and easily.

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